Serving travelers from Japan and Canada since 1975, MYK Enterprises Ltd. is a travel wholesaler and tour operator that specializes in customized group tours from Canada to Japan and from Japan to Canada, particularly in the field of educational study tours for student groups.
Our decades of experience concentrating on two destinations (Japan and Canada) and small scale operation allows us to take a detail-oriented approach that can handle the most complex and unique itinerary needs of our clients, leading to extremely high client satisfaction ratings.
With expert knowledge of Japan, cultural differences, charismatic tour directors and cultural assistants, and backed by strong relations with travel suppliers such as hotels and airlines, the otherwise complex task of organizing large group trips to Japan is made simple. MYK also has a wide network of high schools and universities throughout Japan and Canada helping educational institutions on both sides of the Pacific establish cultural exchange opportunities and sister school agreements for groups looking to enrich their programs.
For further information, please contact us.
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Licence# 2398
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